Monday, November 1, 20212-5m-1-S1E21-The Altered Scale
What is an altered scale, where can you use it, what are its other names, and what scale is it related to? Nick and Simon shed light on the altered sc...
Friday, October 15, 20212-5m-1-S1E20-Book Review : But Beautiful
Simon & Nick talk about a book they both enjoyed reading: But Beautiful by Geoff Dyer.
Friday, October 1, 20212-5m-1-S1E19-Hod OBrien
Who was Hod O'Brien? In this episode Nick introduces Simon to a pianist he feels deserves wider recognition.
Wednesday, September 1, 20212-5m-1-S1E17-The Cabaret Card
In this episode Nick and Simon discuss the Cabaret Card and it's impact on the New York jazz scene of the 1940's and 50's.
Sunday, August 29, 20212-5Q-1-S1E2-Paul Pace
Nick And Simon visited Paul Pace at Ronnie Scotts and asked him these 5 questions1. Could you tell us about the history of the Spice of Life jazz club...
Monday, August 16, 20212-5m-1-S1E16- Can You Hear Me at the Back?- Amplification and Jazz
Can You Hear Me at the Back?Nick and Simon lay out the development of amplification, and how it has been used in jazz.
Sunday, August 1, 20212-5m-1-S1E15-Jive Talk
Salutations solid gone gators, Nick and Simon beat their gums to give you the swingformation on Jive talk. They are putting it down and you better pic...
Thursday, July 15, 20212-5m-1-S1E14-Licks or Language
In this episode Nick and Simon enjoy an ice cream while speaking Esperanto. No? OK, they discuss the concept of 'The Lick", that divisive l...
Thursday, July 1, 20212-5m-1-S1E13-Joe Albany
In our jazz quest to entertain and inform we like to shed light on some less well-known pianists who we think are worth exploring. Joe Albany is one ...
Thursday, June 17, 20212-5m-1-S1E12-When Is a Chord not a Chord?
When it's a voicing.Nick and Simon discuss the meaning of the word voicing in jazz and on piano in particular.
Tuesday, June 1, 20212-5m-1-S1E11 - Nicknames
In this episode we outline the origins of some nicknames of jazz players. Why was Charlie Parker called Bird? How did Jeff 'Tain' Watts get his monike...
Wednesday, May 19, 20212-5q-1- S1E1-Steve Rubie
In the first of our new interview stream we talk to Steve Rubie who has run the 606 club for many decades. We asked him about1. The history of the cl...